IPP 3D File Formats
3D Manufacturing File Format (3MF): 3MF offers a compact XML format with physical dimensions, named materials, and shared vertices. 3MF is supported by major CAD and slicer software and is a required file format for the IPP 3D Printing Extensions.
PDF: PDF 1.7 (ISO 32000-1) includes 3D support using the Universal 3D format ("U3D", ECMA-363) and PDF 2.0 (ISO 32000-2) will add support for the Product Representation Compact format ("PRC", ISO 14739-1:2014) format. Both U3D and PRC are binary file formats with named materials. PRC also includes manufacturing tolerance metadata. PDF is a recommended file format for the IPP 3D Printing Extensions.
PWG Safe G-Code Subset for 3D Printing: G-Code is the de-facto pre-sliced format for FDM printers. The PWG subset limits the G-Code commands that can be used to those that are common and have no side-effects.